Call Us: (304) 529-7848
Dr. David J. Dalrymple
Jungian Psychoanalyst, Director, TriState Consultation Services
How do I know Jungian analysis is right for me?
We are fond of saying, ‘You do not have to be sick or neurotic to invest in a
Jungian analysis.” Many analysands are healthy, well adjusted, leading successful and fulfilling lives. However, there is a psychological curiosity regarding their inner lives, souls, or imaginative and creative processes.
Often, they reflect upon life transitions, emerging decisions, aging concerns, and spiritual issues.
Others seek psychoanalytic consultation when they experience difficult emotional states characterized by depression, anxiety, grief, panic, trauma, lingering and challenging moods and obsessions. They want to go deeper into understanding the unconscious influences that affect their emotional distress and difficulties coping.
What are the time and financial commitments involved in one’s analysis?
Time and money are significant issues for modern women and men. They are
elements in the “therapeutic contract” or “frame.’ Scheduling and fees for
consultation are mutually agreed upon by analyst and analysand. Dr. Dalrymple
uses a realistic and reasonable fees and flexible schedules for consultation. He
usually consults for 50 minute sessions at least once a week. However, frequency is dependent upon need and motivation. Continuity and responsibility in these commitments is part of the mutual trust in this therapeutic dialogue.
What are free association and dream interpretation?
In a Jungian analysis, analysands are encouraged to speak freely and to express whatever comes to mind. This allows the unconscious, whether personal or collective, to reveal itself with spontaneity, autonomy, and presentation. The joint endeavor by both analyst and analysand are to understand the unconscious influences on emotions in the present and upon impediments that interfere with living an animated, embodied, and fulfilling life.
Dreams are imaginal products of the unconscious. The images of dreams are metaphors often described as being polysemous, filled with many seeds of potential meaning, like a poem. Dream interpretation is a “befriending” of the dream and its imagery. In a Jungian understanding, all dreams are compensatory to the one-sidedness of consciousness. The dreams come with a purposeful intent towards healing and wholeness, a prospective aim toward the future. Analysts are trained in imaginal hermeneutics (the art of interpretation) and value symbolic and imaginal dimensions from studies of mythology, fairy tales, religion, and culture. Continue to Testimonials
20 Profound Quotes By Carl JungThat Will Help You To Better Understand Yourself
Carl Gustav Jung's biography on Britannica's website