Call Us:  (304) 529-7848

Dr. David J. Dalrymple

Jungian Psychoanalyst, Director, TriState Consultation Services



Dr. David Dalrymple is a nationally certified Jungian
Psychoanalyst and Pastoral Psychotherapist with over 40
years of clinical experience. He provides individual
psychoanalytic psychotherapy and consultation for adults in
the TriState area of Kentucky, Ohio, and West Virginia. His
consulting office is in the South Side neighborhood of
Huntington, WV. and provides a comfortable sense of privacy
conducive for personal exploration and self reflection and

Although Dr. Dalrymple is currently licensed as a Licensed
Clinical Professional Counselor (LCPC) in Illinois and as a Psychoanalyst in Vermont, such licenses do not exist in West Virginia. Thus, Dr. Dalrymple is not a “professional counselor” per se in WV. However the WV statute clearly notes psychoanalysis as an exempt profession from the WV licensing law for LPCs and MFTs (WV Code, Ch 30, Art 31, #30-31-11 (7). Dr. Dalrymple does not use third party insurance providers, but rather he uses reasonable and flexible sliding fees and appointment times.  Continue to Biography.