Call Us:  (304) 529-7848

Dr. David J. Dalrymple

Jungian Psychoanalyst, Director, TriState Consultation Services


International Association for Analytical Psychology (IAAP)

The IAAP is the international organizing body of professionals engaged in the practice of
analytical psychology. Standards of training, practice and ethical conduct are required for its members and institutions..The IAAP promotes the study of analytical psychology and body of knowledge through its Congresses held throughout the world.

National Association for the Advancement of Psychoanalysis (NAAP)

NAAP is a national membership association committed to the preservation and
development of psychoanalysis as an independent profession. It restricts the title
“psychoanalyst” to professionals who have graduated from an accredu=itted
psychoanalytic training program, , have been Board Certified by NAAP, and wh
endorse its Code of Ethics.

American Board for the Accreditation of Psychoanalysis, Inc. (ABAP, Inc.)

ABAP, Inc. accredits programs that grant post-graduate certificates, diplomas, or
degrees for the practice of psychoanalysis. It is the nation’s standard bearer for
quality and pluralism within psychoanalytic education and training.

C.G.Jung Institute of Chicago

CGJ-Chi is a non-profit center utilizing the principles of Jung’s analytical
psychology. It provides information on educational programs, clinical services, and
cultural resources. The Analyst Training program is nationally accredited and leads
to a Diploma in Analytical Psychology. Its faculty are members of the Chicago
Society of Jungian Analysts.

The American Association of Pastoral Counselors (AAPC) in consolidation with the
Association for Clinical Pastoral Education is now the ACPE Psychotherapy Commission

AAPC is a member and certifying association that brings healing, hope, and
wholeness to individuals, families, and communities by expanding, and equipping
spiritually grounded and psychologically informed pastoral care, counseling, and
psychotherapy. It certifies pastoral counselors and psychotherapists Members,
Fellows, and Diplomates.

Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA)

The UUA is the central organization for a faith tradition that is diverse and
inclusive. Its 1000+member congregations are committed to Principles that include
the worth of every person, justice and compassion, and the right to choose one’s
own beliefs. UU) ministers are “credentialed” for service by the UUA. The
Ministerial Fellowship Committee oversees the process of training and
credentialing UU ministers, allowing ministers to enter into ongoing professional
services such as congregational ministers, community-based ministries,
chaplaincy, etc.
